McConnelsville Herald 16 January 1902

Cyrus Marion Roberts was born in Deerfield township, Morgan County, Ohio, January 14, 1839.  Left fatherless at the age of five years, he went, with his mother and sister, to Philadelphia, his mother’s native city, where they remained 7 years, during which time he and his sister attended the 12th Street School of the Society of Friends.

He returned to Ohio in 1851, and soon after entered Athens College, which he attended for two years.  At this time he was compelled to leave school and seek employment, which he readily found with the late C. L. Barker, with whom he remained for two years, after which he was employed by J. B. Stone & Co.

Ambitious to pursue his education, he entered the McConnelsville High School in 1858.  He taught in Pennsylvania during the winters of 1858 and ’59, continuing his studies in the meantime, and graduated with his class in June, 1860.

In November following, he went to New Orleans on business, where he was delayed on account of the blockaded condition of our country, until June, 1861.  On his return to McConnelsville he found his mother’s health in an alarming condition, and devoted himself to her until her death, one month later.

October 30th he enlisted in the service of his country, and assisted in recruiting Company E, 78th Regiment, O.V.I., of which company he was commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, and went with the Regiment to Camp Gilbert, and later joined the Army of the Tennessee at the battle of Fort Donelson.  In 1863, after being promoted to 1st Lieutenant, he was detailed for duty in the Signal Corps, in which position he remained through the Vicksburg campaign, and afterwards on G. Curtis’s staff, in Missouri and Kansas, until January, 1865, when he was appointed Captain, and relieved from duty in the Signal Corps, returned to the Regiment, and was assigned to the command of Company F.  He was in command of the company but a few weeks when he was detailed on the staff of Major-General Frank P. Blair, Jr., as Commissary of Musters, mustering out the 17th Army Corps, at Louisville, Kentucky, July 31, 1865.

Returning home at the close of the war, Captain Roberts entered into business in McConnelsville, and in March, 1867, was married to Ella C. McCarty, who, with five children — Mrs. J. S. Cleveland, of Mt. Gilead, Ohio; Mary W., Martha K., Edwin C., and Ella Marion — still survive him.

He served two terms as Clerk of the Courts of Morgan County, during which time he thought it best, on account of his health, to leave the Muskingum Valley and , in 1878, removed to Columbus, Ohio, where he lived for sixteen years, engaged in active business pursuits, and filling positions of great trust.

Upon the advice of his physician he sought out-door life, and located on a farm near Granville, Ohio.  In September, 1893, where he lived until his death, December 15, 1900.

He “stood up for Jesus” during the morning meetings of 1858, and united with the Baptist church, of McConnellsville.  From that time, while in health, his place was never vacant in the Sabbath School, prayer meeting, or the public gatherings of God’s people.  After his removal to Columbus he united with the First Baptist church, and later became one of the constituent members of the Hildreth Church, of that city.

In 1894 he united with the Baptist church of Granville, where he retained his membership until death.  During his lifetime he was a faithful and consistent Christina, serving the churches, with which he was connected, in nearly every official capacity within their gift.

Tender and impressive services were conducted in the church, by his pastor, Rev. C. J. Baldwin.  His remains were carried through the open ranks of his comrades, of ’61-’65, and laid in their last resting place in Maple Grove cemetery, Granville.