Sgt. James Gallagher
Photo Courtesy of Don J. Whittingham

Pvt. Martin Denbow
Courtesy of Mary Lou Deetz

Pvt. William Wertenberger
Courtesy of U. S. Army

Pvt. Levi Denbow
Courtesy of Irvin Denbow

Pvt. William Denbow ("Uncle Billy")
Courtesy of Mary Lou Deetz

Pvt. Henry M. Thornton
Patriotic montage; Courtesy of Michael Brown

Pvt. Henry W. Thornton
Courtesy of Michael Brown

Sgt. James Gallagher
Photo Courtesy of Don J. Whittingham
Sgt. James Gallagher
Photo Courtesy of Don J. Whittingha...

Pvt. Martin Denbow
Courtesy of Mary Lou Deetz
Pvt. Martin Denbow
Courtesy of Mary Lou Deetz

Pvt. William Wertenberger
Courtesy of U. S. Army
Pvt. William Wertenbe
Courtesy of U. S. Army

Pvt. Levi Denbow
Courtesy of Irvin Denbow
Pvt. Levi Denbow
Courtesy of Irvin Denbow

Pvt. William Denbow ("Uncle Billy")
Courtesy of Mary Lou Deetz
Pvt. William Denbow (
Courtesy of Mary Lou Deetz

Pvt. Henry M. Thornton
Patriotic montage; Courtesy of Michael Brown
Pvt. Henry M. Thornto
Patriotic montage; Courtesy of Mich...

Pvt. Henry W. Thornton
Courtesy of Michael Brown
Pvt. Henry W. Thornto
Courtesy of Michael Brown