The Battle
of Raymond: May 12, 1863
The battle of May 12th was called the battle of Raymond. I will
state here that my Company, "C", had been detached from the Regiment
and acted as a Pioneer Corps. Our duty was to lead the advance, build roads,
repair and build bridges and forts, gather up the wounded and bury the dead
after the battles, also to gather up and bring in arms, etc. scattered over the
battle field.
About noon of May 12th we were halted on the top of a hill by
the side of the road. General Logan's Division marched by down the hill into a
woodland valley where they found the enemy in battle line. General McPherson
and staff were sitting on their horses on the opposite side of the road from
us. It seems that Gen. Logan [p. 11] suggested to Gen. McPherson that it would
be better for him to wait until more troops arrived before making the attack,
but McPherson ordered him to attack at once, which he did, but being
overwhelmingly outnumbered he was driven back where he re-formed his lines. We were
standing in line when Gen. Logan came riding up the
hill at full speed, his face aflame, covered with perspiration and dust, and
his horse bleeding from a wound. He rode up to McPherson just across the road
from us and we heard him say to McPherson - "Damn it, General, I told you
how it would be." McPherson told
him - "Never mind, General, it will come out all
McPherson had sent his staff officers one after the other to
hurry forward re-enforcements and at the time Gen. Logan rode up McPherson was
sitting on his horse entirely alone, all his staff officers being sent forward
to hurry the troops. Just then Gen. Quimby, at the
head of his Division, came up on the double quick the men looked like they were
completely fagged out. Weather was very hot and the men were so covered with
perspiration and dust that it would have been impossible to say whether they
were white, black or yellow, nothing to be seen of either flesh or clothing but
yellow [p.12] dust, which was from three to six inches deep in the roads. They marched on down the hill and joined onto
Logan's Division. After they had
passed, Gen. Logan rode across the road to where our Company were standing and
said - "Captain, can the Pioneers fight?" The Captain (Wiles) replied
"We await orders, General." He
told the Captain where to take his company and we marched forward down the
hill, across the wooded bottom, through a fringe of woods; coming out into an
open field where we found the 7th Mo. had been charged by the Rebels, their
line broken and they were scattered all over the field running panic stricken. But
it was only a few minutes until the Colonel stopped the color bearers, faced
them to the front and the men recovering from their panic, formed onto the colors
and marched back in perfect order.
We formed onto their left and advanced, but before we reached
the enemy's line they had given up the struggle and were on the retreat. Our
Company then went to work gathering up the wounded and burying the dead and on
about the space of an acre of ground we found 41 of our dead and 61 of the
enemy. During the battle one of our men had [p. 13] left the ram-rod in his gun
and as it happened when he fired his gun the ram-rod struck the center of a
small tree – some 4 or 5 inches in diameter - the center of the ram-rod was in
the center of the tree, the ends sticking out on either side, and if the tree
is still standing the ramrod is still there.
May 13th - Finished burying the dead and camped in the town of
June 17. -We have been shelled all day, luckily no one hurt.
June 18. - More shells than usual today. Some narrow escapes but
no one hurt.
June 19 & 20. - Shells keep coming fast as ever. If they keep it up at this rate, I think they
will soon have them all used up.
Sun. June 21. While I was
sitting in our little dou-out [?] tent a 10 inch
shell struck the ground a few feet away and when it bursted
it nearly buried the tent with dirt, but luckily did no other damage. One fell
among some of the boys while they were eating dinner but none of them were
June 22. - Whistling Dick, the gun that throws the big shells at
us, is still on duty. Received two months pay today. Jim has sore eyes, balance all well.
June 23. - Think the Rebs' supply of
shells is getting low, as they sent us very few today. Raining tonight.
June 24. - Very few shells today. I guess Whistling Dick has run out of fodder.
June 25. - Everything being ready, the mine under Fort Hill- (In
front of our camp) was blown up today. It
made a great racket. Several Rebel soldiers and some Darkies were blown into
the air, some of them coming down on our side; among those was a negro. He was asked
how high he went up. "Dun'no, Massa, when I'se coming down others were goin' up.” [p. 20]
Our men were ready and charged into the breach but failed to get
through as the Rebels had been expecting the explosion and had erected new
works in the rear and were prepared to defeat our advance. A great many of our men were killed and
wounded and nothing accomplished. Our
Pioneer Corps was up at the front working in the ditches, none of the Pioneers
were injured and all got back to camp safely.
Competition for the Excelsior Banner
Each regiment of each brigade competed in drills and our
regiment was selected from our brigade. Then a day was appointed for the final
contest. The appointed day arrived
and the regiments to contend for the prize (a beautiful new flag) assembled on
the flat land just south of Vicksburg near the river. Our Colonel put us
through the manual of arms and through all the evolutions possible, including
charging in battle line, forming a hollow square, etc. and from start to finish
we went through all the different changes on the double-quick. Everything
worked like clockwork, closing by being halted in battle line and going
through the manual of arms. At all
commands for the shifting of arms, every gun struck the ground at the same
instant, making only one sound, and at the word - 'Fire' - every hammer struck
at the same time.
The judges were sitting on their horses watching each regiment
go through their evolutions and the high ground in rear of the flat where we drilled, was covered by thousands of soldiers and citizens
watching the contest. On account of the 124th Illinois being fitted out with
new uniforms, white collars and white gloves, which gave them the neatest
appearance, they were awarded the prize. Maj.
General McArthur was selected by the judges to present the flag to the winners,
but he refused to act. He told the committee that if they would allow him to
present the flag to the best drilled regiment, he would take pleasure in
presenting it to the 78th Ohio, but the new uniforms, white collars and gloves
won out and the flag was presented to the 124th Illinois. They made
the finest appearance but we outdrilled them to a
stand-still. Our Colonel had a voice similar to a fog-horn and his commands
could be distinctly heard from one end of the line to the other. [pp. 29 - 30]
The Battle
of Atlanta: July 20 -- July 26, 1864
On July 20th the regiment and division advanced some three miles
in the direction of Atlanta where they encountered the pickets of the enemy and
the Division immediately formed line and lay on their arms all night without
either coffee or fire. By daybreak the morning of the 21st, the 78th and its
Division charged and captured Bald Knob, a position commanding the city of
The enemy occupied the Knob in force behind strong earthworks. In
carrying it the division suffered severely.
This position being captured, shells were at once thrown into the city
by the artillery of the Division. As we were charging on this 21st of July
amidst the storm of shot and shell in our immediate front, a woman bareheaded,
with her hair flying over her shoulders, and carrying a little child in her
arms, came running towards our lines. So
far as I know she got through safely. Her
house was between the two lines of battle.
After driving the enemy from their works, we occupied them with
our Brigade - "20th, 68th and 78th Ohio and 30th Illinois."
During the afternoon of the 21st, we could plainly see the rebel
army marching in the direction of our rear. We
counted forty regimental flags. The 16th
Corps was ordered to join onto the left of our 17th Corps, the position being in
the woods and the movement being done in the night, they failed to join onto
our Corps, leaving a space of half a mile between the two Corps without any
protection, and it was in this vacant space that the rebel army entered in
their endeavor to surround and capture the 17th Army Corps.
On the morning of the 22nd General McPherson and staff rode out
to the front to personally inspect our lines, and it was his fate to ride into
the space between the two Corps and he rode right into the advance of the rebel
army, who were entering this vacant space. The
enemy fired a volley into the General and Staff and McPherson was shot and
killed. His staff officers secured and brought the body back with them.
It was about noon when General Leggett came
riding along our breast-works at break-neck speed and ordered the batteries to
limber up and get back to the rear as quick as possible. The batteries were on
the move at once. Away they went
through the woods, the horses on a full gallop, paying no attention to anything
in their way, running over logs, ditches and fences.
In a short time after the batteries left, the enemy came up in
our rear. We jumped over our breast-works and poured a volley into them, which
checked them.
In a short time another part of their army came up on us from
the direction of Atlanta. We had to change to the other side of our works and
drive them back. We realized then that we were hemmed in between two lines of
the enemy. They charged us repeatedly from both front and rear, but we
succeeded in driving them back.
To protect ourselves from front and rear attacks, it was
necessary for us to change the sides of our own works five or six times during
the afternoon. In one of their charges they got within about one hundred feet
of our breast-works, when we poured in such a volley it halted them and while
they were wavering, appearing to be undecided whether to advance or fall back,
I saw one of our boys spring over the breast-works, run down to the enemy's
ranks, wrest a flag from their color bearer and bring it back to our side.
The enemy fell back into the woods out of our sight, but before
they fell back one of our color-bearers peeped over the works to see what they
were doing and the instant his head appeared over the works a bullet struck him
in the head. Ben Saunders picked him up and laid him by the side of a tree and
laid some green branches over him to protect him from the sun, but the wound
was mortal. We never saw him again.
In a short time after this the rebels planted a battery at the
upper or Southern end of our works and opened out on us with grape and cannister. They attempted to rake the ditch that we were
occupying behind the breast-works, but by lying flat on the ground the charges
of grapeshot went over us, but too close above us for comfort, the branches of
trees were cut off and were falling on us.
Their battery was supported by at least a brigade of their
infantry who had planted their flag on the end of the breast-works that we were
lying behind, when our Captain "J.B. Mills" saw the flag on the end
of our works he asked leave of the Colonel to take Co. C and either capture the
flag or drive it away. The Colonel told him to try it. He sprang up, drew his
sword and shouted - "Fall in, Co. C", but it
looked like it would be staring death in the face to make such an attempt, only
12 of the Company responded to the call.
Our orderly sergeant, Wm McLaughlin
and our color bearer, Bro. Jim and I and eight others sprang up and charged in
the direction of the flag which was protected by the battery and the brigade of
Infantry. We had gone forward probably one hundred feet more or less, when the
color-bearer, the orderly sergeant and one private were shot dead. We were so near
to the enemy's lines that when our flags went down they made a dash to get the
flags, but one of our boys grabbed them and took them back.
Seeing the futility of any further attempt to advance in the
face of the Battery and Infantry, we scattered, every fellow for himself. We had been
charging parallel with our breast works, so I and young Geo. Matthews jumped
down into the ditch of the breast-works; we sat down facing each other with our
backs against the sides of the ditch.
Just after sitting down, a bullet struck Matthews in the breast,
passing out at the back. I took his belt and cartridge belt off him, using them
for a pillow, laid him down and gave him what water I had which was very little
and very warm. After making him as comfortable as the circumstances permitted,
I bade him good-bye and worked my way down the ditch to where my Company was
Soon after I got back we had orders to fall back and re-form our
lines. The grape and cannister from the Rebel battery
and the bullets from the rebel Infantry were still coming at us in a perfect storm
of death dealing missles. We were compelled to lie
flat on the ground and work our way out like snakes. After getting out of
direct range of the enemy, we sprang to our feet and marched back stepping over
the dead and wounded rebels, which gave us the evidence that we had been
completely surrounded.
We were soon out of the woods and halted and reformed our line
on the edge of an old field facing south. Just after our battle line was
formed, we witnessed the rebels charging and completely overwhelming the 20th
Ill. which were just outside our fort on the edge of or foot of Bald Knob, later
known as Leggett's Hill. We raised our guns to fire, but were ordered not to
fire, as we would endanger the 20th Illinois, who had been captured - only a
very few of the regiment escaped capture. Then the rebels charged the fort
which was so full of soldiers who had become separated from their regiments
that there was hardly room to fight, but they did put up a good fight. The
rebels climbed up the walls of the fort only to be shot, bayonetted or clubbed
with the butts of the guns. It was hand
to hand, but the rebels were finally driven off.
They left a great many of their dead and wounded in front of the
fort. While the fight at the fort was going on we were watching it; the enemy
came out of the woods and attacked us. We
were on the edge of an open field without any protection and they were just in
the edge of the woods. The two battle
lines were not over fifty feet apart at any point and part of the line not over
half that distance.
Each side stood its ground and fought about two hours or more or
until sundown. We were ordered to get down on one knee and one foot and I think
by doing this a great many lives were saved by the enemy shooting over us. At about sundown we were ordered to fall
back and re-form, as our line had become more or less mixed up.
We fell back over a slight ridge and halted in a slight
depression, re-formed facing the enemy, ordered to fix bayonets, then forward
march. We halted on the battle line and found the enemy had fallen back. We
then began to fortify and made strong breastworks. When we were falling back
over the little ridge to re-form our lines, as stated above, it was when we
were going over the ridge that my tin cup that was hanging on my haversack
strap was struck by a rebel bullet. Luckily for me it came from an angle
direction, crushing the tin cup and bruising my hip, which was black for
several days, making it difficult for me to move around for a week or more. Had
the bullet struck the cup squarely, it would have passed through both the cup
and my body.
While we were still fighting behind the breast-works during the
afternoon, I was struck on the arm near the shoulder by a bullet that had
passed through the top of the earth works. Passing through the earth had
flattened the bullet, thereby saving me from death or at least a severe wound. The
flattened bullet after striking me, fell by my side
and I picked it up and carried it until I lost it.
A bullet also passed through my shirt in front near my waist
line. The next morning after the battle when our breakfast coffee was ready, I
started out to find a cup for my coffee. I climbed over the breast-works and
found one on the haversack of a dead rebel. After washing the blood stains off,
I used it for my coffee.
The ground in our front was literally covered with dead of both
sides. A truce was established so each
side could gather up and bury their dead and bring in the wounded.
A battlefield after the fight is over is a terrible sight. It is
enough to try the nerves of the strongest. The day before the battle I was
talking with a member of the regiment whose time of enlistment of three years
had expired. He said there was no way at present for him to be sent home,
talked about his folks at home - how glad they would be to see him return and
how thankful he was that he had passed through all his three years service safely. His Captain told him he need not do
any more duty, he could go to the rear out of danger and wait until such time
that he could be sent home, but he told the Captain that until there was a way
found for him to be sent home, he preferred to remain with his comrades and do
duty as usual.
The day after the battle when we were gathering up the dead, we
found this comrade on the field of carnage with one side of his head gone. He
had been struck by a shell or grapeshot. So his dreams of home proved to be
only dreams and one more precious life had been laid on the altar of his
country. Peace to his ashes.
The attempt of the rebel General Hood to surround and capture
the 17th Army Corps had signally failed with a loss of thousands of his men in
killed, wounded, and prisoners. Our losses were severe, but less than the
enemy. We remained on our battle line until the evening of July 26th, when as a
part of the 17th Corps they quietly withdrew from the front of the enemy and marched
all night and until the evening of the 27th, when they halted, formed line and
the entire brigade advanced towards Exra Chapel.
Early next morning - July 28th - the battle of Ezra Chapel
opened on the front of the 15th Corps and gradually extended along the front of
the 17th Corps, until late in the afternoon Gen. Hood saw that he could not
dislodge the army of the Tennessee, slowly fell back and the battle of Ezra
Chapel was another victory for General Sherman. Some of the regiments of the
15th Corps were armed with 16 shooters and the rebel dead in their front were
piled in windrows. Some places the dead were seven deep, old gray-haired men
and young boys were found in the piles of the dead. [pp. 34 - 38]