This page will list stories about men in the 78th that have been handed down in various families. The veracity of each story has not been researched by the webmaster. The person submitting the story is responsible for it. Please contact that person, if you have any questions.
From Don J. Whittingham, g4nephew of Edmund and James Gallagher, of Company K.
A. Battle of Atlanta -- Edmund was wounded (not mortally) and his brother James went out into the field of battle to get him out. After James put Edmund on his back to get him back to the line he was mortally shot and then he died from those subsequent wounds.
B. James Gallagher told of a story that was passed down through the generations that went like this: He came up to a spring in which a confederate soldier was drinking from and/or filling his canteen and shot him. He said he didn't want to but knew the confederate soldier would have killed him.
The MIDI file of "When Sherman Marched Down to the Sea" is used by permission of
Benjamin Robert Tubb from his website at Public Domain Music.