Photographs of Men and Officers

of the 78th O.V.V.I.



Company A Company B Company C Company D Company E Company F
Company G Company H Company I Company K Field & Staff Unknown

Photos of Regimental Officers (l to r):  Mortimer D. Leggett, superintendent of the public schools in Zanesville, Ohio, was authorized in 1861 by Gov. Todd to raise a regiment to fight the "Slave holders Rebellion."  He was commissioned a Lieutenant Colonel. for this work and later commanded the 2nd Brigade, Third Division of the 17th Army Corps, of which the 78th was a part.  He was brevetted a Major-General.  Likewise, Greenbury F. Wiles commanded the regiment while a Colonel, was promoted to 2nd Brigade command, and brevetted a Brigadier-General.   Lt. Col. Benjamin F. Hawkes, who first enlisted as a 2nd lieutenant in the 25th Ohio, was discharged for promotion in February of 1862, and then was commissioned in the the Field and Staff of the 78th.  He was then taken as a POW and exchanged at Aiken's Landing, Va., in September 1862 and discharged from the service in October.   (Photo credits: Leggett, U. S. Army; Wiles, Mike D. Wiles, and Matthew Anderson)

The MIDI file of "Tramp! Tramp! Tramp!" is used by permission of

Benjamin Robert Tubb from his website at Public Domain Music.