The following is from History of the 78th Regiment O.V.V.I, from its "Muster-In" to its "Muster-Out;" comprising Its Organization, Marches, Campaigns, Battles and Skirmishes, by Rev. Thomas M. Stevenson, Chaplain of the Regiment:
This company was raised in Muskingum and Morgan Counties, and organized December 21st, 1861, in Camp Gilbert, Zanesville, Ohio. E. Hillis Talley was commissioned Captain; Benjamin A. Blandy, First Lieutenant; William S. Harlan, Second Lieutenant.
These being men of influence, and sustaining a high reputation in the community in which they lived, in a short time raised a company of the best men in their respective neighborhoods.
Captain Talley was taken sick while the regiment was at Crumps Landing. He was immediately removed to the hospital at Savannah, Tenn., where he died April 1st, 1862. He was the first officer of the regiment to fall a sacrifice to his country; being a young man of much promise, the only son of his parents, and loved and esteemed by all who knew him, caused his death to be deeply felt and regretted. About this time Lieutenant Blandy resigned and Lieutenant Harlan was promoted to Captain. Israel C. Robinson, of Company "A" was promoted to a Lieutenant and assigned to this Company. Captain Harlans health, through hardships and exposure gave way, and after trying the bracing climate of the north a few weeks, and the best surgeons skill, he was necessitated to resign his commission, and quit the service in February, 1863. Lieutenant Robinson was then promoted to Captain, and James C. Harris to a Lieutenancy.
Captain Robinson was promoted to Major at Savannah, Ga., and afterward to Lieutenant-Colonel, but did not muster on this last commission, because of irregularity in its issue.
Lieutenant Harris was mustered out at Savannah, by reason of expiration of term of service, the last of December, 1864. He as a quiet, unassuming and faithful officer, admired and loved by all who knew him.
Lieutenant Andrew McDaniel was promoted to Captain, and assigned to the command of Company "D;" John R. Edgar, of Company "A," Was promoted to First Lieutenant and assigned to this company. Milton F. Ward was promoted to Second Lieutenant in some company. Under these officers the company was mustered out of service July 14th, 1865.
The following are the names of the non-commissioned officers and enlisted men of the original organization:
1. James C. Harris
2. Simon P. Joy
3. Wm. G. B. McCune
4. David F. Sullivan
5. Bishop D. Stall
1. James Sears
2. James M. Mason
3. Henry C. Lanius
4. Milton F. Ward
5. William H. Sullivan
6. Andrew H. Wallace
7. Enoch Harlan
8. James M. Dutro
Horatio White, 2d Musician, George F. Darling, Wagoner
Arter, Abel
Blackson, John A.
Beatty, Bartly
Berry, Michael
Crawford, Henry
Conn, Levi C.
Camp, James
Coss, Peter
Clark, George W.
Dempster, Albert
Dutro, Thomas W.
Edwards, John
Finney, James
Fox, John W.
France, Thomas B.
Fox, W. Thomas
Frazier, William J.
Gay, Robert E.
Gay, H. H.
Gillespie, Daniel
Gibeaut, Charles J.
Gibeaut, Peter
Huffman, William F.
Haines, Davis
Hall, Thomas J.
Harlan, Thomas J.
Hewitt, MiltonHamilton, John
Hunt, Albert
Huffman, Samuel
Howell, Moses
Hall, George W.
Hall, Enos T., Sr.
Hufford, John
Hubbell, Joseph
Hawkins, McFiren
Jewett, Nathan
Jewett, Daniel
Joy, Harrison W.
Jones, Benia
Kenney, Charles
Kenney, William W.
Kenney, George W.
Kenney, John
Leach, Charles
Lee, Samuel
Lowe, Frank
McLaughlin, James
McCune, John
McGuire, Francis
Mitchel, David
Mason, Charles B.
McCallister, Hugh
McCallister, W. J.
Osborn, Frederick
Pake, William
Peyton, John Q. A.
Powell, John
Quigley, George W.
Quigly, James F.
Reed, Wesley
Richardson, Levi P.
Sigars, Philip
Stotts, Nathan
Stotts, Joseph F.
Smith, George B.
Squires, George
Scott, George
Turner, Leaven
Vandenbark, George P.
Wood, Solomon
Warne, Amaziah
The following have died of wounds and disease:
William G. B. SMcCune, Sergeant
George F. Darling, at Bolivar, Tenn.
James Finney, of wounds received at Champion Hills, Miss.
William F. Huffman, Savannah, Ga.
Davis Haines, Bolivar, Tenn.
David Gillespie
Milton Howett
Albert Hunt, Stony Point, Tenn.
Charles S. Kenney, Jackson, Tenn.
William Kenney, Savannah, Tenn.
McFiren Hawkins
Frank Law
Charles B. Mason, wounded at Raymond, Miss.
Fred. Miller, Memphis, Tenn.
Fred Osborn, Memphis, Tenn.
William A. Pake
George B. Smith
George Squires
James Austin, killed at Champion Hills.
The following have been discharged, honorably:
Enoch Harlan, at Shiloh, Tenn.
James Dutro, Crumps Landing, Tenn.
Bartly Baity
John A. Blackson, Memphis, Tenn.
Peter Coss
Levi Conn
Albert Dempter, Crumps Landing, Tenn.
Thomas Dutro, Crumps Landing, Tenn.
Albert J. Farnum, Crumps Landing, Tenn.
John Hamilton, Crumps Landing, Tenn.
Thomas France, Crumps Landing, Tenn.
Peter Gibeaut, Crumps Landing, Tenn.
Peter Gibeaut, Jr., Crumps Landing, Tenn.
John Huffard
Joseph Hubb
Enos T. Hall
Harrison Joy
Daniel Jewett
George W. Kenney
Charles Leach
John Kenney
Samuel Lee
John Q. A. Peyton
George W. Quigley
James F. Quigley
Wesley Reed
Levi P. Richardson
Philip Sigars
Horatio White
Solomon Wood
Herriott Warne
Caleb H. Hall
John Heath
Eli Scott
Charles Woodburn
William Neighbors
Joseph D. Gardner
John McConaughy
Finley Woodburn
Francis Maguire.
The following named recruits, substitutes and drafted men have been added to the company:
James Austin
John Bird
Lewis Collins
Lemuel Dover
James Davis
William Echelberry
Allen M. Frazier
William Harlan
Benjamin Harlan
William R. Jackson
Joseph E. Peyton
Joseph F. Pierce, wounded at Champion Hills
Samuel F. Woodburn
William M. White (died)
Manley H. Crumbaker, killed at Atlanta
George W. McCurdy
Robert Cunningham
Erastus Chilcoat
Zenis Dowell
Jeremiah Gardner (discharged)
Joseph Talbott, wounded at Atlanta
Jacob Withers (died)
Francis odrey, died of wounds, Atlanta
Nicholas Hoosan
Davis Echelberry (died)
Hamilton Wallace
William A. McConaughy, wounded at Atlanta
James C. Stewart
Samuel P. Campbell, killed in battle
Isaac G. Neff
Lafayette Davis
Thomas R. Steenson, discharged on account of wounds
Thomas Smith (died)
Joseph W. Frazier
Oliver Perry
Moses Abbott
Joshua D. Smith (prisoner)
Nathaniel White (discharged
John H. Young
Jerome Mathews
John Newman
Thomas Parsons
Alfred Sigars
Henry Tipple
Oliver B. Crumbaker
Torrence Peyton (died)
Smith V. D.Howell
Daiel Stahl
Henry S. Chambers
Charles W. Clark
Brice S. Taylor
James D.Kinney
Harrison Echelberry.
Jefferson Blazier
David Campbell
Daniel Miller, wounded at Champion Hills
James H. Tom
James M. Cornelius
Samuel Harper
david N. Bryan
Frederick Campell
John Field
Alfred Davidson
Lewellen Echelberry
Richard P. McGee (discharged)
William Hyde
Lewis Huffman
James Fulton
George Mewhirter
Reuben Cromer
William Humphrewys
Joseph Foreman
David M. wilson
Daniel Brian
William Jones
Andrew Johnson
Jesse Waterberry (died)
Alex Fairchilds
Cyrus Harman
Joseph Hamel
Jacob Thice
Simeon S. Carrol
Clark Toland
Henry Simmons
William Artherton
The following re-enlisted as veteran volunteers:
James A. Seares, Sergeant
Bishop D. Stahl, Sergeant
James McLaughlin, Sergeant
Amaziah Warne, Sergeant
Andrew Wallace, killed bearing regimental colors in battle before Atlanta
Abel Arter
Thomas J. Harlan
Bush Clark
George B. Vanderbark
Thomas j. Hall, taken prisoner at Atlanta
Thomas Huffman, taken prisoner at Atlanta
Moses Howell (deserted)
George Hall
Nathan Jewett
John McCune
David Mitchell
John Eligas Bulger Edwards, deserted
Charles J. Gibeaut
James Camp
Robert E. Gay
Henry H. Gay
Hugh McCallister
William Pake
John Powell
Nathan Stotts (prisoner)
George W. Clark (deserted)
This company has sustained itself well. Too much can not be said of many of its men. They have done much efficient service and suffered severely. Many noble young men have been left behind, never to return to gladden the hearts of their families and friends. Always faithful in duty; it never failed in any position assigned it. Prompt, efficient and military in its bearing.
The Captain, J. C. Robinson, was severely wounded at Kenesaw Mountain, when leading his men in an attack upon a position held by the enemy.
The present officers are men of experience and who have been promoted from Sergeants to their present rank. They have passed through all the campaigns and battles of the regiment. Captain McDaniel was not on the campaigns of General Sherman through Georgia and the Carolinas.
The Lieutenants are men of worth and influence, and have done much honor to themselves and the regiment.