Below is a reproduction of an official 78th roster, the original of which is in the possession of Brad Lepper. We are most grateful for being given the original to scan for the purpose of placing it on the web. A curious thing about this roster is that it is difficult to determine when during the war it was printed. Arguing for an early time (1861 or so) is the listing of O. M. Todd as chaplain. Rev. Todd was replaced by Thomas M. Stevenson fairly early in the war. Also, the regiment is referred to as "O.V." and not "O.V.V.," which indicates that it hadn't yet received its "veteran status." Arguing for a late war, or even post war, publication date is the fact that many men -- including some draftees -- who didn't join until '64 or '65 are included. If anyone can shed more light on this mystery, please email Carl J. Denbow.