Company A Photos

Rebellion, Union Army, Civil War, 78th Ohio

Corporal Henry Speer

Later promoted to Sergeant; Courtesy of Ailie and Wilson Edward Speer

Rebellion, Union Army, Civil War, 78th Ohio

Corp Joseph L. Geyer

At one point reduced in rank, but then promoted to hospital steward on 1/11/1865; Courtesy of Ailie and Wilson Edward Speer

Rebellion, Union Army, Civil War, 78th Ohio

Old Soldier Photo (Kansas, Wm Speer)

A photo of a number of "old soldiers" who fought to put down the Rebellion taken in Olathe, Kansas, 20 Jan 1914; Wm Speer in back row, third from left; Coutesty of Allie and Wilson Edward Speer

Rebellion, Union Army, Civil War, 78th Ohio

Lieut. Henry Speer

Mortally wounded at Atlanta; Courtesy of Ailie and Wilson Edward Speer