In this section, we will post transcriptions and/or images of letters from 78th soldiers to those back home. Every attempt will be made to retain original spellings and to post complete, uncensored letters. If you have any such letters, pleases forward to Carl J. Denbow and I will post them. Please include as much information as you know about the letter, including its author, his name, rank and company and the name of recipient and his or her relationship to the solider. Below are the letters we have received so far:
Edward M. Barrett, Private, Co. C, from Vicksburg (Apparently with pioneer corps when letter written.), 12 March 1864
David Hillman, Private, Co. I. One four page letter. The first three pages are addressed to his brother and the last page to his sister.
George Hiram Coulson, Private, Co. E. A number of letters and other documents covering about a decade but mostly focusing on 1864 and culminating in the death of Private Coulson at Marietta, Ga., in September of that year.
Levi Denbow, Private, Co. K. Two letters to his wife, Rachel, written in camp near Savannah. The first letter is dated, 5 Jan 1865; the second is undated. (Originals, courtesy of Garren Snyder)
Letters from 30th Illinois mentioning 78th Ohio, Courtesy of Matthew Anderson, historian of the 30th Illinois.
Thomas W. Hopes, Corporal, later promoted to 1st Lieutenant, Co. F. Letter to his sister, written at Camp in Bolivar, Tenn., 23 Sep 1862
Leggett Family Letters, Courtesy of David Shelby and Sarah Shelby
Jacob Matson, Corporal, Co. E, from training camp at Camp Dennison, 24 Sep 1862, to his brother George, Courtesy of Sam Dorrington.
Seton A. Matson, Private, Co. E., from Camp near Vicksburg, 12 June 1863, Courtesy of Sam Dorrington
John A. McIntosh, Private, later promoted to Corporal and then Sergeant, of Co. I; three letters written from Bolivar, Tenn., Pocotaligo, S.C., and Raleigh, N.C.
Laughlin McIntosh, Private, letters from Lake Providence, La., and Bethel, Tenn., as well an inventory of his effects when he died in service.
William S. Speer, Corporal, later promoted to Sergeant, Co. A, in the field, 1864, to his family upon the death of his brother Henry, Lieutenant of Co. A
David M. Watson, 1st Sergeant, later promoted to 1st lieutenant, Co. I, written in camp near Savannah. (Original, from Personal Collection of webmaster)