78th Family Guestbook

I am an ancestral cousin of Jasper S. Laughlin of Company E. He died of disease shortly after the battle of Shiloh.

Added: June 19, 2024
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I always heard stories from my grandmother and mother about my Great Grand dad James T.Bay from Guernsey county. He was only 15 years old and too young to fight but entered as a 2nd musician of Co.F along with Matthew W Bay. I have found out about his travels and journey through your website in the 78th OVI. - Jim Mooney, G-Mother was Eunice Bay {Kinnear}, Mother was Kate Kinnear Mooney.

Added: July 15, 2023
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My gggggrandfather was a private for Company A. He was by trade a cobbler (shoemaker) and a native of Kassel Hesse (Germany). He passed in 1887 at the Soldier's Home in Dayton Ohio.

Added: April 30, 2023
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I am a Great Great Great Granddaughter of Dr. OB Crumbaker and am also of relation to Israel Clay Robinson though I don't have the exact lineage figured out for that yet. I am just grateful this site exists as I found it today after finding OB's grave at Duncan Falls. Am hoping to continue learning more about my family.

Added: November 30, 2021
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Thank you for posting the regimental poster! My GGG Grandfather Menander Mott served in Company K. Injured in the Atlanta campaign, and died in 1875 after 10 years of living with painful shrapnel wounds from the war.

What's especially exciting is to see other names from our genealogical charts also in Company K: his father-in-law Samuel Fordyce (my GGGG Grandfather), and some Hays and Jeffers. I knew the names, but now I see they were all neighbors. Fascinating!

Added: December 24, 2020
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My great-great grandfather was Samuel Hurrel and served in company F. He was taken prisoner and was incarerated at Andersonville. Upon release, he was on his way home but died of scurvy before he made it home.

Added: December 20, 2020
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My 3rd great grandfather was John D. Sopher, Company E.

Added: November 7, 2020
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I am the adopted son of Charles J. Leggett who is the great great nephew of Mortimer D. Leggett.

Added: September 28, 2020
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My great grandfather Oliver J Boyer was in the 78th Ohio Inf. His granddaughter (my grandmother) came to Seattle in 1923 where the family has pretty much remained - His family today numbers well over 100 no doubt. I have his compass and picture of his wife (Susan Green) and 3 children he carried all thru the war.

Added: May 7, 2020
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My 3x Great Grandfather, Joel D. Herron served in the 78th OVI. He survived and went on to homestead in Perth, Kansas. Yesterday, we traveled there to see his memorial which included a soldiers headstone.

Added: January 20, 2020
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