Submitted by Name: Ron Denbow From: Medina, Ohio E-mail: Contact
Comments: GG Grandson of Private William Denbow, Company K of the 78th. Ohio Volunteer Infantry. I am a US Army Vietnam Veteran having served with the 300th. Military Police Company, 95th. Battalion of the 18th. Military Police Brigade based out of Chu Lai in 1971. Serving - a family tradition!
Carl - great job with the website!
Added: February 5, 2008
Submitted by Name: Jeannine McDonald Parker From: Alberta Canada E-mail: Contact
Comments: My greatgrandfather was Finley McDonald of the H Company of the 78th Ohio Volunteer Infantry.He was born at Birmingham,Guernsey Co. and lived with his family at Cambridge where his father was employed as a saddler.Finley served with Freedmans Bureau at Yazoo Co Mississippi after the war.Moved to Kansas and farmed there.Later moved west to Nevada and on into Oregon where he passed away in 1912 and is buried at Vale Oregon.He had 4 children 2 sons Carson and Arthur,2 daughters Mae Gruel and Maude Cape.Carson Mcdonald moved to Alberta,Canada where his family lives today.Finley McDonald seldom spoke of the things he witnessed during the war but it scared him deeply.His family remains very proud of him
Added: December 1, 2007
Submitted by Name: Robert D. McDonald From: Saint Louis, MO E-mail: Contact
Comments: My Great-great Grandfather was Sgt. Peter Burton Lupardus, Company G. He and his wife, Joanna Cain, immigrated to Miller Couny, Mo in 1868. Family legend has it that he was injured in a "wagon accident" and received a medical disability discharge in July of 1862.
Added: November 18, 2007
Submitted by Name: Lawrence Kirby From: Delaware OH E-mail: Contact
Comments: I'm related to PVT Lemuel Dover, Co. D, 78th OVVI. He was a cooper (barrel maker) from McConnelsville, OH, Morgan County. Served the whole war apparently without a scratch. I have a xerox of the diary of one Wm. Gault, Co F, 78th, I copied at the Ohio Historical Society (microfiche) in Columbus. Very useful for map-tracking the 78th throughout the War. I am currently searching for a copy of "The History of the 78th OVVI From It's Muster-In To It's Muster Out" by Rev. Thomas M. Stevenson, Chaplain of the Regiment. Any help out there?
Added: August 18, 2007
Submitted by Name: Heidi Mathers Dunn From: Central Ohio E-mail: Contact
Comments: James Hamilton Mathers, Private in Company H from October 1864 to July 1865 is my ancestor. He is listed in the regimental history with the substitutes and drafted men added to the regiment.
I do not have a lot on this family. He was born in Washington County, Pa in 1829. Moved to Ohio with his parents. Married Charlotte Gardner, raised his family and died (in 1881) in Athens County, Ohio.
He also had at least four brothers that served in Ohio regiments. Alexander and David served in the 75th OVI. Joseph and Mathew served in the 1st OVI.
I'd love to hear any information on this line.
Added: May 27, 2007
Submitted by Name: Susan Fordyce From: Indianapolis, Indiana E-mail: Contact
Comments: Samuel Fordyce of K company was my g-g-g grandfather. He was born in Pennsylvania on 26 February 1818 and died in Indiana on 13 August 1900. I am named after him. He and my grandmother were very close; but, sadly, I have no stories to share. He is buried in Brown County, Indiana.
Added: May 15, 2007
Submitted by Name: Bob Borrows From: Columbus E-mail: Contact
Comments: Terrific site. My GGG-grandfather was J.W.A. Gillespie, who was, according to your site, Captain of Comapny G. His brother George was Wagoner. He was born 1/29/1815 and died 6/16/1879 in Gurnsey County.
Added: April 21, 2007
Submitted by Name: Don Crosby From: Grand Island, NE E-mail: Contact
Comments: My Great Grandfather was Sgt. Nelson D. Crosby of "B" Company, 1st Battalion of the 78th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment.
He entered the regiment from Zanesville, Ohio.
Added: April 13, 2007
Submitted by Name: William Snyder From: Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio E-mail: Contact
Comments: My grandfather Ulyston Snyder was a pvt in co.K 78th OVI.My father never really knew his father because he died in 1900 when my dad was only about 3. If anyone has any information about the 78th that would include some information about my grandfather it would be greatly appreciated. my grandfather lived in Noble county around Summerfield. I would guess that I am in a minority of people that had as close a relative who served in the civil war. I would be happy to hear from anyone sharing this honor.
William Snyder
Added: April 12, 2007
Submitted by Name: John A. Mellor From: Pittsburgh, PA E-mail: Contact
Comments: My great great grandfather was the Honorable Milton Turner of the 78th OVI. I am in possession of his obit when he passed away on February 1, 1905, as well as a picture of the great man. I have been interested in the Civil War for many years, and am very proud of his and the regiments remarkable achievements in the war. Thank you for honoring these heroes of our nation with your website.
Name: Ron Denbow
From: Medina, Ohio
E-mail: Contact
GG Grandson of Private William Denbow, Company K of the 78th. Ohio Volunteer Infantry. I am a US Army Vietnam Veteran having served with the 300th. Military Police Company, 95th. Battalion of the 18th. Military Police Brigade based out of Chu Lai in 1971. Serving - a family tradition!
Carl - great job with the website!